Do you believe in knowledge? Knowledge is the product of our living culture. It is a social artifact that reflects our society as a living organism. The visual documentation on an artist work, the process of making artworks is not just a mere data only, according to Foucouldian sense, the shared documentation amongst a living organism can be referred as an artifact of knowledge. Furthermore, any kind of documentation on any kind of working person, not exclusively just an artist, is an important artifact of knowledge that we need to share.
its a place for me to do contemplation on the creation of 'thien' and 'earth'. Mengingat Dia saat berdiri, duduk maupun berbaring dan merenungkan tentang adanya langit dan bumi. (rujukan Surah Ali Imran ayat 191-192) Demikianlah manusia yang tidak mensia-siakan akal untuk berpikir yang telah diberikan oleh Sang Khaliq.