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Renungan seorang umat yang belajar menjadi Muslim 07

i lied if I said that i can see people's mind through their psychologic. The truth is once upon a time, when i lived at a place surrounded by many of my friends' friends, me and a few of my friends tried to listen and help each others problems.

i observed and come to concluded that many of our live's problem is caused by our own perception, our limitation to see a bigger picture. and i realize that everyone is specialized created to be born in the world.
within my journey through many reading and understanding on religions and beliefs of the world (there're still lots of them out there), i truly belief that is islam was given to human as a way to trace back their 'shiratal mustaqim'.

islam's massages had been given from the begining of the world creation, it can be traced and found about the truth of islam inside many ancients' religions and beliefs. if you said that islam is a culture, yes it is, any beliefs could changes people and create different culture, but is not that islam was create within the culture. islam came up with new thinking and understanding to see the world as a holistic, it doesn't see only the earth and ocean, but it looked at the human as microcosmos and the god as macrocosmos. it completing and unveiling what all other adherents of religions and beliefs had tried to reveal in centuries. Islam creates culture, if you wish to said it.

that's why i see no barrier within others' beliefs, and i reject all the thought about secularism. All the science and knowledge is only come from Allah, and what happened to world is also only within His permission, nothing else.
But why not we blame everything to god? Isn't it all happened because of Him?
These are a few questions that human mind tried to blame god to what happen in the world. Its all about causes and effects. We fail because we tried to act and think why god doing this and those. We fail when we put the word 'permission' as the reason and we forgot that we as human has being given the responsibilies as 'khalifah' to be the leader of the world.

all the religions and beliefs in the world can be trace back to their inner truth by completing the really basics of islamic elemental and principal of life. 'rukun islam' or the five elements of islam and 'rukun iman' or the six principals of believing. The oscilation between the five elements and the six principals are seamlessly like physical and spiritual fulfillment. There is no different between transcendent and immanent in islam action. Islam take all the form and content as one, not as one part to another. Islam is an inner culture, a culture that taught humanity struggled to surrender. Surrender their life's to Allah.

If one was amazed by a form of islamic culture, one should look into its content. Islam is not a 'brand', its not a name to its adherent or follower, it is not just a form. Islam is also the content. If we saw some other people doing exactly islamic way of life, but they're not having 'islam branded', it was like blind people that reaching the right way to the light. Contrary, there're lots of people islam branded but didn't do islamic way of life. it was like the people with eyes open but fail to reach the light. The 'shiratal mustaqim' is not a form of road sign, its in the content of islam path way.

In this sense, the inner sense of mind and thought, we can't see islam only on their uniform. we can't assess someone only by their appearance. Mind and thought can be manipulate, but 'nurani' the inner heart that have a contact to spiritual world cannot lies. so, islamc way of life is not all about the uniform that followed those beliefs. one can learn from others in doing good or bad things. the measurement of good and bad things to do can be found in kalamullah, the holy bible Quran, it is not just about the law. there are complete explanation of the boundaries that Allah had given to human through many centuries. if one tried to break the barrier, there are warning also explained in that holy book.

god give human total freedom to be a khalifah on the earth. Allah had gave the permission, so, let us be wise to use the freedom. perhaps our living world become more and more complex, but the very fundament of human lifes still the same. The philosophical questioning about life is never change, but the answer generated changes constantly. But one thing for sure, the life of prophet Muhammad SAW is also the very nature of human being. If one belief in '2 kalimah syahadah' the declaration of a muslim, one can rely on him and his approach to everyday life. if one don't belief in the declaration, but found it interesting, one can also learn the way of prophet Muhammad treat his own life ( in which muslim believed that he was directed and protected by Allah SWT).

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