i lied if I said that i can see people's mind through their psychologic. The truth is once upon a time, when i lived at a place surrounded by many of my friends' friends, me and a few of my friends tried to listen and help each others problems. i observed and come to concluded that many of our live's problem is caused by our own perception, our limitation to see a bigger picture. and i realize that everyone is specialized created to be born in the world. within my journey through many reading and understanding on religions and beliefs of the world (there're still lots of them out there), i truly belief that is islam was given to human as a way to trace back their 'shiratal mustaqim'. islam's massages had been given from the begining of the world creation, it can be traced and found about the truth of islam inside many ancients' religions and beliefs. if you said that islam is a culture, yes it is, any beliefs could changes people and create different cul...
its a place for me to do contemplation on the creation of 'thien' and 'earth'. Mengingat Dia saat berdiri, duduk maupun berbaring dan merenungkan tentang adanya langit dan bumi. (rujukan Surah Ali Imran ayat 191-192) Demikianlah manusia yang tidak mensia-siakan akal untuk berpikir yang telah diberikan oleh Sang Khaliq.